Tuesday, September 29, 2009

On The Road With Kerri: Opening Night in Syracuse, NY!

I'm starting a new blog segment called "On The Road With Kerri" where I will highlight some of the adventures of my cousin, Kerri Brackin as she travels on the national tour of Avenue Q!

Today is a big day since she is kicking off the tour in Syracuse! It's opening night! And this morning, Kerri was on "Bridge Street" - a popular morning TV show in Syracuse. After a brief interview, four of the cast members performed the song "I Wish I Could Go Back To College".

The videos I had posted earlier were a little too much for my computer, so I am posting links to the show. Check out the interview - click here.

Check out the performance - click here.

Next stop: Scranton, PA! Hopefully she'll get an opportunity to stop by Dunder Mifflin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So proud of her! Thanks for posting the links!
