Let's be honest...who didn't LOVE the entertainment that Tatiana del Toro, the infamous American Idol contestant from Puerto Rico provided during every single show?!?!
Anytime Tatiana was on camera, she provided great entertainment. For me anyway, it was constant laughs trying to figure out what she was going to do next!!
The really hilarious thing about Tatiana is that Michael actually compares me to her in my "over the top-ness" and thinks if I were ever to go on American Idol that I would provide the same dramatics and entertainment value. Really?!! What do you think!?!
Even though I'm sad to see her go, I was not surprised by the contestants that made it to the top 12. Although I wish it could have been three guys and no girl because I would have loved for Danny, Michael and Anoop to all make it!
Holy CRAP! You've already double my posts in only TWO WEEKS! Haha....I SUCK!
Okay - I personally would love to punch Tatiana. I don't think I could have kept watching if she stayed on the show. I was so embarrassed for her. And I am SO for Anoop too! What's with the bonus round? Will he get another shot? I think Danny might win the whole thing. Remember I said this when we crown him in May :)
You do realize I have to sooooo de-friend you now that I know you liked Tatiana... Lord have mercy Al, I wanted to shoot myself in the face everytime that girl got any airtime. You're on crack ;)
Ok - it's not that I LIKED Tatiana, but I LOVED her antics!!!!! No de-friending allowed. hahaha Yes, I'm embarrassed for her too, but y'all know how much I love to laugh and without her now, there will be way too few laughs!! I love the drama. And the FUNNIEST thing was when her song was over, she was getting judged, and then KEPT singing...EVERY TIME. HILARIOUS!!!!
She was some of the best entertainment this show has seen since William Hung! Nobody else on the show is very funny other than the multiple personality guy. The show goes down hill after the try outs are over because there are no more delusional people - we needed her.
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